Summary:- Sailing Video mpg or mpeg clips for FREE download showing the twissle rig in action.
Used a Sony miniDV digicam and Canon digital cameras charged by a solar unit from Maplin
Video clips of the Twizzle Rig in use
Unit Conversion Tool - download here for your server, PC or laptop to use anwwhere, anytime, off line.

These clips are now hosted by YouTube which will give you a far better resolution than downloaded from my server and many more clips have been added. Back arrow to return to this page. Any questions please add to the clip comments area on YouTube and I will come back to you. If you need hands-on help or advice I am prepared to travel as I am very confident this rig will work for any cruising boat.
If you are racing with a big crew then the twizzle rig is underpowered and not for you.

Testing the rig in a 30+ knot southeaster in Table Bay, Cape Town

Although sheltered from the Atlantic swell the absence of rolling was marked.
Reefed about four rolls of the furling gear.

The twizzle jibs are set on the outer of two furling foils. The inner foil has the genoa rolled up.


Another clip on the same day after I had climbed higher on the after deck. Difficult to film through a view finder while the boat is moving about.



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Sailing Smacks

Taken about 600 miles NW of St. Helena in 20 knots of SE Trades with the 40 foot ketch Alma making about 6 knots plus a knot of current.

I demonstrate the relatively light loads on the universal joint by moving the poles apart. The sheets, however, are bar taught.

I leathered the ends of the poles in Cape Town but the stainless joint still chafed the poles on the way to St. Helena.

The all rope universal joint (used here) was the best and chafe free.

The rope universal joint after about 1,600 miles of use. No chafe on the 12mm Marlowbraid (polyester braid on braid) just blackened where it rubbed on the uncoated ally poles and oiled leather.

The green insulating tape was added from new, in case there was chafe from the pole end fittings, but in the event it was not needed.

A simple knotting of clove and half hitches with stitched and served soft eyes. Cheap, effective and easy to maintain..

  Demonstration of setting and furling the twizzle rig in the River Blackwater, Essex and using the rig in the South Atlantic.


The film was taken with a Sony TVR15 digital video camera using the miniDV format tapes. The camera battery was charged by its normal 240 volt AC mains charger 'brick' plugged into a 150 watt inverter 'brick' which in turn plugged into a 12 volt DC cigar lighter socket on ships supply. The setup drew a tiny amount of current while charging - too small to read on the ammeter.
Stills were taken with a Canon Powershot A60 2.0 megapixel digital camera onto 256 Mb PQI Compact Flash cards. The camera uses 4 off AA NiMh batteries and these were charged in a day by a small solar powered unit purchased from Maplins.
Mobile phones were charged from the ships cigar lighter or a tiny hand generator / torch my daughter gave me.
Ships batteries were charged by an Aquair water powered tow generator which produced about 1 amp per knot of boat speed. The Aquair could be converted to wind power when at anchor. Alma also had a large Seimens solar panel and a Perkins M90 main engine when needed.

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A description of the setup, setting and striking...
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last modified : 22nd. December 2013
© 2004 - 2013 r walker